Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions

Video clip NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains clear audible booms as eyewitness describes continuing explosions from direction of Building 7

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Newly obtained 9/11 eyewitness footage that NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains what appears to be the sound of explosions coming from the vicinity of WTC 7 after the collapse of the twin towers, offering yet more startling evidence that the building, which was not hit by a plane yet collapsed demolition disabled, was deliberately imploded.

The clip was released by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) as part of a 3 terabyte package of video and photo data in response to a lawsuit brought by the International Center for 9/11 Studies. As we highlighted in our previous report, almost every single video studied as part of the release thus far contains damning evidence of controlled demolition on both the twin towers and WTC 7.

The fact that NIST dragged their feet for so long in an attempt to block the release of these highly incriminating videos clearly indicates that they were part of an attempted cover-up. In addition, the fact that some of the videos appear to have been edited in an effort to hide evidence of controlled demolition is another smoking gun.

The latest video is from eyewitness Richard Peskin, who filmed ground zero from a high rise building that appears to be about a dozen blocks down the street from Building 7. The first portion of the footage is filmed immediately after the collapse of the second tower of the World Trade Center. At about 10 seconds into the clip, two clear explosions can be heard.

The clip then cuts to a later time and the cameraman states, explosion or something because there's a lot of police activity and sirens and more smoke rising from the ground new smoke so there was some kind of additional explosion but I don t know what it was .maybe it was a federal building or something like that, as the camera pans across a shot of WTC 7.

At around 11am around half an hour after the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center and an hour after the collapse of the south tower, Peskin states, I still hear continuing explosions, I don t know what it is, as small explosions can be heard in theground.

At 1:49 in the clip, a louder rumbling explosion can clearly be heard coming from the direction of WTC 7 That's another explosion, says Peskin.

The clip was contained in the NIST folder named Richard Peskin and is a combination of footage from the files Peskin 25.avi, Peskin 28.avi, Peskin 29.avi, and Peskin 30.avi.

The fact that NIST tried to sit on the footage for months even after a FOIA request and that it took a lawsuit filed by the International Center for 9/11 Studies to obtain the clip clearly indicates that the organization wanted to keep the sound of explosions coming from the vicinity of WTC 7 out of the public record. The footage is filmed from a significant distance away from the scene and shows no detail of anything that could be considered sensitive. The only remarkable thing about the video is the fact that it contains the sound of secondary explosions, something NIST has continually denied was a contributory factor to the collapse of either the twin towers or WTC 7.

In another clip released as part of the same lawsuit, a loud, low-frequency boom can be heard just before the east penthouse of WTC 7 falls. Once the support columns that held up the penthouse are taken out, the rest of the building falls almost within its own footprint.

However, in subsequent clips released by NIST, where the camera is located nearer to the building, the collapse of the penthouse is clearly edited out of the footage.

Several clips from the Cumulus database show signs of editing. In the two video clips below, the collapse of the penthouse of World Trade Center 7 is cut out of the video. These videos happen to have been filmed from close to WTC 7, and have a high quality soundtrack that would have picked up explosion sounds from the charges that severed the columns supporting the penthouse, especially the explosion heard in the last video clip presented, comments the International Center for 9/11 Studies.

In another clip, the entire collapse of the building is edited out, the audio is removed and only restored after the building has fully collapsed.

Why is NIST trying to deliberately cover-up evidence of explosions preceding the collapse of WTC 7?

The 9/11 Commission completely ignored the hundreds of survivors, professionals, first responders, firefighters and police who reported numerous secondary explosions at all levels of the twin towers and WTC 7.

NIST's final report on WTC 7 concluded that the never before observed new phenomenon of thermal expansion was to blame for the destruction of the building, a completely ludicrous conclusion in a report that completely ignored eyewitness testimony and hard evidence that indicated deliberate demolition of the structure.

As we documented for several years, the collapse of WTC 7 is the smoking gun confirming that the official story behind 9/11 is bogus. The collapse of Building 7 was reported before it happened by several news stations, including BBC and CNN.

If the collapse of WTC 7 came as a result of a new phenomenon and an extraordinary event that had never happened before in the history of building collapses, then why did news stations and ground zero workers know it was about to happen an hour or more in advance?

Explosions in Building 7 were also reported by eyewitnesses inside the building, including Barry Jennings, who described a big explosion that blew him back to the 8th floor.

Former NYPD officer Craig Bartmer was in the immediate vicinity of Building 7 before its collapse at approximately 5:20pm.

I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn t see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though, said Bartmer. Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn t hear any I didn t hear any creaking, or I didn t hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming get away, get away, get away from it! It was at that moment I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit's hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you re hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know an explosion when I hear it Yeah it had some damage to it, but nothing like what they re saying Nothing to account for what we saw I am shocked at the story we ve heard about it to be quite honest.

Other EMTs and first responders were also told that Building 7 was to be deliberately demolished, including Emergency Medical Technician Indira Singh - another whistleblower.

After midday on 9/11 we had to evacuate that because they told us Building 7 was coming down. If you had been there, not being able to see very much just flames everywhere and smoke it is entirely possible I do believe that they brought Building 7 down because I heard that they were going to bring it down because it was unstable because of the collateral damage, said Singh.


Asked who told her that the building was to be brought down, Singh responded, The fire department. And they did use the words we re gonna have to bring it down and for us there observing the nature of the devastation it made total sense to us that this was indeed a possibility, given the subsequent controversy over it I don t know.

Another EMT named Mike who wished to remain anonymous wrote in a letter to the Loose Change film crew that emergency responders were told Building 7 was about to be pulled and that a 20 second radio countdown preceded its collapse.

There were bright flashes up and down the sides of Building 7, you could see them through the windows and it collapsed. We all knew it was intentionally pulled they told us, he stated.

Following news reports in the days after the attack that Building 7 had collapsed due to fire damage, Mike fully expected this mistake to be corrected after the chaos had subsided, but was astonished when it became part of the official story.

Mike's report of a countdown preceding the collapse of WTC 7 wased up by Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue, Kevin McPadden, who said that he heard the last few seconds of the countdown on a nearby police radio.

In addition, the language used by firefighters and others at ground zero shortly before the building fell strongly indicates that the building was deliberately demolished with explosives, and not that it fell unaided.

It's blowin boy. Keep your eye on that building, it ll be coming down soon. The building is about to blow up, move it. Here we are walking. There's a building, about to blow up

The fact that WTC complex leaseholder Larry Silverstein was considering blowing up Building 7 is now admitted. Washington D.C. prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, who was at ground zero on 9/11 working as a journalist, reported earlier this year that Silverstein was on the phone to his insurance carrier attempting to convince them that the building should be brought down via controlled demolition.

Writing for Fox News, Jeffrey Scott Shapiro states, I was working as a journalist for Gannett News at Ground Zero that day, and I remember very clearly what I saw and heard.

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. This building's collapse alone resulted in a payout of nearly $500 million, based on the contention that it was an unforeseen accidental event.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building's imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy, writes Shapiro.

However, obviously aware of how it would impact his insurance claim, Larry Silverstein has consistently denied that there was ever a plan to intentionally demolish Building 7.

In June 2005, Silverstein told New York Post journalist Sam Smith that his infamous pull it comment, which has been cited as proof that Silverstein planned to take down the building with explosives, meant something else .

In January 2006, Silverstein's spokesperson Dara McQuillan told the U.S. State Department that the pull it comment meant to withdraw firefighters from the building (despite the fact that there were no firefighters inside WTC 7). There was no mention whatsoever of any plan to demolish the building before it fell.

Shapiro's faux pas unwittingly let the cat out of the bag on the fact that Silverstein was aggressively pushing for the building to be intentionally demolished, a claim that he has always vociferously denied, presumably to safeguard against putting in doubt the massive insurance payout he received on the basis that the collapse was accidental.

How much more evidence do we need to conclude that Building 7 which was not hit by a plane and suffered limited fires across just a handful of floors could not have simply crumbled into its own footprint within seven seconds without the aid of additional explosives?

Of course, if authorities were ever forced to admit that WTC 7 was deliberately demolished it would then tarnish the credibility of the entire 9/11 official story, which is why NIST has engaged in an obvious cover-up to firstly withhold and then edit some of the footage in an attempt to hide the self-evident fact that Building 7 was a controlled demolition.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America's most listened to late night talk show. Comment Terms Of Use


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