Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Fake Terror Claimed While Homeland Security Tries To Unravel Mail Bomb Threat

Fake Terror, Or Actual Bomb Threat? Today was certainly an eventful one in the news. Not only were several planes searched, and one passenger plane escorted to JFK Airport by F-15 s, but explosives were found on a plane in England as well. As Homeland Security experts scramble to make sure we are safe, working with several overseas allies, conspiracy theorists begin to chime in with claims that the Obama Administration may be behind the recent terror scares. They claim that he made them up in order to scare Americans into voting for more big government, come Tuesday's elections.

Websites like PrisonPlanet are contriving articles claiming just this. In a piece written just a couple hours ago, the website known for it's conspiracy undertone states:

As we predicted on four separate occasions would happen, the Obama White House has deliberately contrived a fake terror scare on the eve of the mid-term elections in an effort to subdue the rampaging political appetite for anti-big government candidates that threatens to sweep aside establishment incumbents next week.

Basically they are taking credit for predicting a fake terror scare, close to the midterm elections. How exactly do they know the recent mail bomb scare is fake? Who knows, but it certainly isn t good journalism to claim something as fact, when you have no idea what exactly is going on behind the scenes. The article at Prison Planet uses the fact that the media stated there were no explosives found on any of the planes in Newark and Philadelphia, yet Obama claimed that there were explosive materials in some of the suspicious packages. If you were paying attention to the various news sources throughout the day today you would know that as the news was breaking there were various reports, both claiming that the toner cartridge found in the UK did have explosive materials in it, and also that it did not. After several hours it was concluded that the UK package did in fact have explosive material within it, just like President Obama had stated.

To claim that Obama is simply making fake terror plots up to scare the American people into voting Democrat, is simply irresponsible at this point in time, especially as TSA workers, and Homeland security officials work overtime to try and secure the nation against perhaps another massive terror attack.

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