Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

It starts now: Basketball is a go.

We're not doing Midnight Madness tonight. We don't need to. This season isn't about the flashiness of Midnight Madness and showing off for people. It's all about business. Robbie is back with a bionic knee that makes him stronger and faster, JJ is bench pressing Mike Alstott's old Jeep, and Smooge went to an elite assassin's school in Europe this summer to further sharpen his skills.

These guys are ready, so practicing tonight would just be unfair. Shoot, even Cody Webster's mom, who is an awesome woman, has volunteered to bring me Yuengling tomorrow as a gift for running the site so well. Combined with the four I brought back from Florida (which will clinch a bowl game) I now have six to chill in my fridge for each NCAA Tournament game.

The title is secured, so sleep well tonight, Boilers. Let them have their Midnight Madness. We'll be busy resting and planning.

See you November 14th.

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