Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Cutthroat is right!

Just when you thought there couldn't be anymore challenges MTV scrapes up some washed up Real World stars and some eager web fans looking for their 15 minutes and voila you get The Challenge: Cutthroat.

At this point I am too far removed from the cycles to know who is who. I watch the Real World so I know those folks but the fresh meat throws me off because they are instantly mean acting as though they've earned their place on the competition.

Cutthroat promises to be the most hardcore challenge yet. On last night's premiere they crew was dropped off in the dark and ordered by trusty host TJ Lavin to ruuuuun. So off they went into the dark night where they arrived at a sweet castle they will call home for the next couple weeks. The living arrangements are by far the best perk in these things (same goes for Real World).

The gang's first challenge was to enter a room full of tear gas to uncover the combination to locked boxes outside. Not going to lie, it was pretty hard to watch. There was snot, coughing and puking involved, mmm. The group was broken down into teams red, blue and gray. Red and blue did not do so hot because of group dynamic so they were sent packing to the elimination known as 'Gulag' because of the Czech Republic back drop. Brandon and Camila came out on Top and Derek and Emilee were sent home. Shocker!! (really).

Per usual the cast is peppered with some cookoos and then there are your trusty challenges and then there are you duds. Allow me to break it down.

Oldies: Brad (RW: San Diego), Derrick (RR: Xtreme) , Katie (RR: The Quest), Johnny (RW: Key West), Jen (RW: Denver), Eric (Fresh Meat), Abram (RR: South Pacific)

Goodies: Chet (RW: Brooklyn), Emily (RW: DC), Sarah (RW: Brooklyn), Dunbar (RW: Sydney)

Disposables: Shauvon (RW:Sydney), Emilee (RW: Cancun), everyone else I didn't name, because I don't really know who they are.

Locos: Paula 'Walnuts' (RW: Key West), Ty (RW: DC), Tyler (RW: Key West), Derek (RW: Cancun)

If I'm hurting for something to watch on a Wednesday night at 10 p.m. or I'm doing nothing on a lazy weekend afternoon I'll tune in.

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