Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Gary Peterson: Lebron James Coming Home -- Someone Call Security

They're stacking sandbags in Cleveland. They're boarding windows. They're calling in the National Guard. Some residents swear they have seen the Bat Signal projected on clouds above the city.

Nothing like a visit from native son LeBron James to get the locals in a dither.

You know the story. Local resident makes good. Local resident carries local team as far as his back will allow. Local resident takes his talents to South Beach. Area fans express?

Nevermind. Now James and his new Miami Heat best friends are preparing to visit the Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday. It's a professional call, his first since announcing his infamous a little more than 20 weeks ago.

Clevelanders are?

Nevermind. a member of the Cavaliers organization told ESPN the Magazine's Chris Broussard.

After literally minutes of exhaustive research sorry, we have trees to trim and lights to hang Sunday Playground historians have concluded there has never been anything quite like this in professional sports in this country. Not when you consider how closely James, an Akron native, aligned himself with the Cleveland region; how well he played for the Cavaliers; the galling manner in which he announced his intent to walk away from the team; and the riotous ill will he left in his wake.

The Cavaliers plan to have extra security at Thursday's game. Banners bearing inappropriate messages will be confiscated. So will offensive apparel; fans will be given a Cavs T-shirt to wear instead.

The San Francisco Giants recently reminded us of how synergy between a team and its fans can uplift the spirits of an entire region. Even casual fans got carried away during the team's postseason romp.

Now we are reminded that the blade can cut two ways. There are people in Brooklyn who still resent the late Walter O'Malley for moving the Dodgers to Los Angeles. It was an ugly scene the night when Jason Giambi returned to the Oakland Coliseum for the first time wearing Yankees pinstripes. Twenty years ago, it might not have been a great idea for Al Davis to walk through Jack London Square without an escort.

Just as area Raiders fans re-embraced Davis and his team, perhaps Northern Ohio someday will make amends with James. But there's work to be done between now and then.

Those sandbags, for starters. They don't fill themselves.

Contact Gary Peterson at gpeterson[@]bayareanewsgroup.com.

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Pearl Harbor Day, 1941: A Bronx Family Dinner Interrupted By Attack

It was a Sunday afternoon in the Bronx 69 years ago. My mother and father and my kid brother, Paul, were seated at the dining room table having dinner. The phone rang

My beat friend, Stanley, was on the line. He exclaimed,

I turned on the old Bausch and Lomb radio in the large brown cabinet in the living room. On NBC, H.V. Kaltenborn, in his clipped, dramatic cadence, was summarizing the known facts at that hour, about 3:30 p.m. EST. There had been an attack. At first details were scarce.

That's what I remember. I was 17. My friend, Stan, was also 17. Little did we imagine that, a little more than two years later, we would both be going into battle. He would be in the Air Force, in England flying bombing missions over Europe. I would be a naval officer on a ship in the Pacific.

New York was as excited as we were. The following day, Monday, December 8, the recruiting office down on Church Street was overwhelmed with men trying to enlist. The FBI sent out guards to protect the reservoirs, Kensico and Croton, and the Brooklyn Navy Yard, where the battleships Iowa and Missouri were under construction. About 6,000 people signed up to be air raid wardens and in Times Square, crowds watched bulletins anxiously.

Fiorella LaGuardia, the flamboyant mayor of New York, said,

The memories come flooding back the almost feverish activity down at New York University, where I was a student. Before the attack, there had been angry debates between students who wanted to help Britain and the allies and those who wanted to stay neutral.

The leftist American Student Union was among those who wanted to stay neutral until Soviet Russia was attacked and they changed their tune. They campaigned to After Pearl Harbor, the tumultuous political landscape at NYU quieted down. We were all concentrated on winning the war and many of the upper classmen enlisted immediately.

Most vividly I remember Roosevelt's speech to a join session of Congress on December 8, 1941. The whole world was listening, including the Pressman family, the students at NYU and all the people of the Bronx.

"Yesterday, December 7, 1941 a day which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately" attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The words resonated throughout New York and all America. The country was united as never before in my lifetime. Millions of young men and women and the whole nation were ready to follow a president we revered. And, in a multitude of war songs, we expressed our patriotic devotion.

One song, which by today's standards sounds politically incorrect, began with the words, "

December 7, 1941. For those of us old enough to remember it was a day we never forget.

First Published: Dec 6, 2010 12:42 PM EST

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Cartoon Pictures For Facebook Profile:change For Chidren

CARTOON PICTURES FOR FACEBOOK PROFILE:CHANGE FOR CHIDREN:FACEBOOK CARTOON CHARACTER PROFILE PICTURE fever is running all over the FACEBOOK SITE.FACEBOOK users are changing their Facebook profile picture in to a cartoon character to memorize their childhood.Placing of FACEBOOK CARTOON CHARACTER PROFILE PIC is a campaign by Facebook in order to avoid violence against children.

Social Networking sites like FACEBOOK and Twitter are popular all over the world.FACEBOOK AND TWITTER are the best ways to share the things instantly.From youngsters to old people every one are willing to change their profile picture in to cartoon pictures.

Changing of Facebook profile picture in to cartoon picture will be untill December,6th,Monday.This change is to see no human face on Facebook profile picture on December 6th and to memorize the childhood favorite cartoon character.so,what are you waiting for..change your FACEBOOK PROFILE PIC IN TO CARTOON PIC and join in this Facebook campaign

* Facebook Cartoon Profile Pic:Cartoon Characters List for Facebook Profile
* Facebook Phone: Facebook Phone from INQ being Prepared
* GOOGLE TV:Google TV an Idiot Box or Informative Box..

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Facebook Profile Pics: Recipe For Support Or Silliness?

The holiday season for many is a time when the world seems to come together. In front of every store, strangers wave hello's and drop pennies into bright red pots for the Salvation Army. Store clerks send everyone on their way with a cheery Happy Holidays, old friends are remembered, neighbors offered baked treats. There is good cheer and a general feeling of merriness that accompanies the season.

This spirit of togetherness has been felt keenly this weekend as Facebook users responded to a plea to change their profile pictures to those of their favorite characters (even lady Gaga has gotten in on the effort). This for violence against children.

If you ve hopped on this weekends hottest trend of memories and wondered whether your contribution matters, you re not alone. Many other news outlets and online authors have questioned the merits of the effort.

Several reporters have claimed the online campaign may be a hoax, goading children into becoming the friends of online pedophiles because their own profile pics are cartoons. Despite the windstorm of controversy, I happen to think that any issue that brings people together, any campaign that can inspire thousands to overnight take action (even an action as small as changing ones profile picture) is worth our time.

No matter how the Facebook Cartoon Campaign began, I am grateful for it. I m grateful so many people took note of it, showed compassion, took time to remember their own warm memories of childhood, to stand up and say violence against children will not be tolerated.

I m also grateful for the campaign, because it's inspired me this week to be more mindful of my own children. To kiss them a little longer, to squeeze them a little tighter. Because children are precious and they deserve to be safe, loved, and fought for. Especially as we ponder this season of peace.

PEACE ON EARTH COOKIE BUTTONS 1 cup butter, softened 1/3 cup powdered sugar 1/3 cup cornstarch 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour In a medium bowl, beat all ingredients together. Turn dough onto a piece of parchment paper. Cover with a second piece of parchment and roll dough out until 1/4 inch thick, spray lightly with water if dough begins to dry out. Cut into desired shapes using a small cookie cutter. Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes, or until slightly browned. Transfer warm cookies to a cooling rack, frost immediately with icing (below).

ICING 1/2 c. melted butter 1/4 c. heavy whipping cream 1-1 1/2 lb. powdered sugar 1/4 tsp. cinnamon extract In a small bowl, combine all ingredients until a smooth, slightly runny icing is formed. Frost warm cookies with warm frosting. Cool. Indulge. COMMENTS: (0) TAGS: facebook cartoon, facebook cartoon characters, facebook cartoon profile pic, facebook cartoon profile pictures, facebook cartoon profile pictures news

'facebook Cartoon Profile Pic' For Child

A campaign stared on Facebook asking people to make Facebook cartoon profile pic, to fight against child abuse. This campaign which started as a game from Greece, on mid of November, took up a more serious turn on December 6th and was famous all across the globe. Mark Zuckerberg, also confirmed the introduction of the campaign make 'Facebook cartoon profile pic'. The campaign has got nearly 90,000 fans in just one day.

The big question is who started this campaign? No non-profit organisation has taken up the responsibility and thus, the good news is that no money is funneled into legitimate organisation. Some websites have claimed British charity NSPCC to be the one to introduce it but they however deny it. NSPCC has posted on Twitter, Although the NSPCC did not originate the childhood cartoon Facebook campaign, we welcome the attention it has brought to the work we do.

Another big question is how does make 'Facebook cartoon profile pic' help to fight against child abuse? Blogger Shayne House said: Facebook cartoon profile pic does not really support the NSPCC unless it inspires or encourages you or someone else to volunteer or donate, which hopefully it will. Did it inspire you? It inspired me to write about it and make a donation.

Insiders have revealed that this campaign seems to have a lot of influence from across the world and their sole aim of 'Facebook cartoon profile pic' was to urge every user of Facebook to remove their profile pic and replace it with a cartoon. How it will help the cause to fight against child abuse still needs to be seen.

Old Cartoon Character Pictures For Facebook From 80's And Manhattan App From ...

Old cartoon character pictures for Facebook from 80's and Manhattan app from iPhone. You will find hundreds of old cartoon character pictures on facebook as profile pictures of Facebook users. Many are bewildered to see so many images as being the profile pics of their friends and kins. But actually these are in response to a campaign to save children's rights.

Meanwhile thanks to growing pressure from same sex supporters Apple removed the Manhattan Declaration app from App Store. The tech giant ditched the anti-gay app from iPhone stores following a massive petition filed by Change.org. The controversial app had frustrated the gay community as well as the supporters across the world.

The app is based on the Manhattan Declaration which strongly condemned the same sex relations. It was initially approved and available in the App Store in October. Since its launch many gay advocates has been questioning Apple position supporting the Christian hostility towards the individual freedom for sex.

The Manhattan Declaration convened by Christian and Catholic leaders had declared both gay marriage and abortion rights as immoral acts. The critics raised the concern over the inclusion of this controversial app under Apple's 4+ rating which means,

Change.org has been campaigning against the app that invites people to join anti-gay and anti-choice campaigns. The Manhattan Declaration app had offered a with four questions, including and Those who responded against the Christian declaration would be scored zero.

The Change.org had forwarded the petition to Apple CEO Steve Jobs urging to remove the app using As the number of petitioners grown up to 7,700 Apple had to remove the app from App store.

"We removed the Manhattan Declaration app from the App Store because it violates our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people," Apple made an official statement on the issue.

Firmaron Convenio Del Proyecto Circuito Aut Dromo Provincial - Regi N Empresa Period

Una importante cantidad de p blico asisti al acto de la firma del Convenio Proyecto Circuito Aut dromo Provincial , llevado a cabo el jueves 2 de diciembre en el Sal n de Acuerdos de la Casa de Gobierno.

Entre los presentes podemos mencionar a funcionarios como Laura Gallucio, presidente del Banco de La Pampa; Santiago Ams ©, subsecretario de Turismo; Alfredo Schanton y Luis Cervellini, diputados provinciales. Asistieron integrantes de las entidades relacionadas al sector tur stico como Jos © Izcue, presidente de la Asociaci n Empresaria Hotelera y Gastron mica de La Pampa; Cristina Nemesio, presidente de la C mara de Turismo; representantes de la C mara Inmobiliaria; C mara de Comercio; Federaci n Pampeana de Automovilismo Deportivo y otros empresarios, dirigentes y prestadores de servicios. Al momento de la firma del Convenio, lo hicieron, por el Gobierno de La Pampa, el Gobernador Oscar Mario Jorge y el Ministro de Obras P blicas Paulo Benvenuto; por la Municipalidad de Toay, el Intendente Ra l Ariel Rojas y concejales y por la Fundaci n Pro-Autodromo el presidente de la misma, Julio De Paz, representando a la Asociaci n Hotelera.

Al finalizar la r brica, el gobernador Jorge agradeci la importante presencia y apoyo de quienes est n acompa ando este emprendimiento y dijo que la firma de ©ste Convenio es para aunar esfuerzos. La Municipalidad de Toay tiene que aprobar el proyecto y la Fundaci n aportar la experiencia adquirida en la formulaci n del proyecto anterior.

Jorge dijo adem's que la entidad nacional Asociaci n Corredores de Turismo de Carretera, est dando todo el apoyo t ©cnico para tener el mejor proyecto posible y que el se or Avent n tiene prometida una visita a Santa Rosa para tal fin. El mandatario provincial dijo tambi ©n que habl con el gobernador de Santiago del Estero, para realizar una visita a el autodr mo de esa provincia, que calculaba que se har a en el transcurso de esta semana. Mencion adem's que este viernes 3 de diciembre queda firmada la escritura del campo comprado para el aut dromo sobre Ruta 14 en Toay. Para finalizar, Jorge expres que con la ayuda y el apoyo de todos los involucrados, esperaba lograr el mejor aut dromo del pa s. (Ver circuito>>)

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Macquarie Group Hires Former Bear Stearns Banker Hassen For Oil, Gas Deals

Macquarie Group Ltd. hired Thomas Hassen, a former banker at Bear Stearns Cos. and Credit Suisse Group AG, to be chairman of oil and gas banking as Australia's biggest investment bank seeks growth in the U.S.

Hassen, 68, will be based in New York, Sydney-based Macquarie said today in a statement. Hassen most recently worked at Irving Place Capital Management LP, the private-equity firm that used to be affiliated with Bear Stearns.

Macquarie has been bulking up its North American investment bank as it seeks to reduce dependence on its infrastructure fund business. It bought Fox-Pitt Kelton Cochran Caronia Waller, a firm with 267 employees that focuses on financial services, and real estate specialist Presidio Partners LLC in the past year.

Energy is a big part of who Macquarie is, and we re looking to continue to build on that, said Tim Bishop, the head of Macquarie's U.S. operations, in an interview. Macquarie plans to hire more oil and gas bankers, he said, and is looking to expand in industrials, gaming, lodging and entertainment.

Most of Macquarie's oil and gas advisory business in North America comes from the acquisition of Tristone Capital Global Inc., a Calgary-based energy boutique with 170 employees, in 2009, and Toronto-based Orion Financial Inc. in 2007.

Hassen worked at Morgan Stanley for 20 years, rising to co- head of the energy investment-banking group. He left in 1998 for Credit Suisse and joined Bear Stearns in 2005. He moved to Irving Place after the sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase & Co. in 2008.

Macquarie is the world's 22nd-biggest adviser on mergers and acquisitions this year, with $47.8 billion of transactions, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Morgan Stanley is ranked first with $407.3 billion.

To contact the reporter on this story: Zachary R. Mider in New York at zmider1[@]bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jennifer Sondag at jsondag[@]bloomberg.net.

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Google: Evil Practices By Businesses Won't Be Rewarded

December 1, 2010 | 4:21 pm

Don't be evil, indeed: Google wants business owners to know that it won t reward bad behavior.

The company fixed a glitch in its search engine that made websites with complaints and negative reviews even more visible to searchers.

The new algorithmic solution has already discovered hundreds of merchants with abysmal ratings from users and will work to keep those sites from being ranked highly in search results.

The impetus was a story in the New York Times last week, detailing a tale of consumer horror in which a Brooklyn eyewear merchant bullied and tormented customers into leaving furious tirades about the company on a slew of review websites.

The more angry comments, the higher the company's site seemed to climb in the Google rankings, boosting its prominence and its sales, according to the owner.

Hearing about the case left Google horrified, wrote Google Fellow Amit Singhal in a post on the company blog.

"Being bad is, and hopefully will always be, bad for business in Google's search results," he wrote.

Google decided against blocking certain offenders; it would be too narrow a solution. The company also realized that using sentiment analysis to identify negative comments wouldn t work the sources of some of the most reputable links to the bad retail apples are stories from news organizations.

Details on the final algorithmic fix were left purposefully sparse out of the concern that releasing the underlying signals, data sources and combinations of the two would provoke more abuses of the system.

We can t say for sure that no one will ever find a loophole in our ranking algorithms in the future, Singhal wrote. We know that people will keep trying: attempts to game Google's ranking go on 24 hours a day, every single day.


Google Editions to offer e-books this month

Mozilla to Apple, Microsoft and Google: 'Stop being evil'

Tiffany Hsu

Photo: Virginia Mayo / Associated Press

Google Is 'evil,' Amazon Drops Wikileaks, And Santa's Being Tracked: Evening Links

Amit Singhal, a Google fellow, took to Google's official blog to address concerns about a New York Times weekend story, The story followed an online company that uses negative customer responses to score higher Google ranks and a woman, Clarabelle Rodriguez, who was fighting back against the company.

"We were horrified to read about Ms. Rodriguez's dreadful experience, the blog read, before launching into an explanation about how Google had convened a team to look into the problem immediately.

Although the move falls in line with Google's philosophy to do good, Mozilla Firefox's director of community development took to his blog to allege that Google is involved in some very not-good action.

"Sneaking software onto my system that I didn't ask for is evil," Asa Dotzler writes. When certain programs are installed on a person's computer, Microsoft, Google, and Apple add plug-ins to the Firefox Web browser without alerting the user. Dotzler calls the practice a Trojan horse.
WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the freefine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe.less than a minute ago via webWIKILEAKS wikileaks

With the above tweet, WikiLeaks announced that Amazon.com had stopped hosting the site. Amazon would not comment on the decision to remove WikiLeaks, but the Guardian said the decision followed a call by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) for U.S. companies to boycott the site.
NASA announced a news conference for 2 p.m. Thursday with a scintillating line: Eager-for-aliens blogs took this as a sign that NASA would finally acknowledge there are living, breathing Martians out there.

The reality is probably slightly less sexy. NASA Watch reports it will probably be an announcement about:

arsenic-based biochemistry and the implications for the origin of life on Earth... and the implications for life arising elsewhere in the universe.

The wait for E.T. continues.
And to celebrate the long walk-up to Christmas, our first red-and-green tinged news: The NORAD Santa Claus Tracker will let children (and adults who still act like children) follow Santa's path around the world on Google Earth as he distributes gifts. NORAD is the joint U.S. and Canadian military center in charge of monitoring and defending North American air space, and it's been tracking Santa's flight for more than 50 years.

Jeffrey Weeks writes on Yahoo! that he and his children follow Santa every year but that the move to Google Earth has added a whole new level of coolness:

Now when the children and I go online to check out where Santa is, we can get amazingly detailed information on his current location, complete with Google Earth's vivid graphics. One of the things the kids like to do best is chart the distance from Santa's current location to our own.

Happy searching the digital skies for the sleigh!

Adam Levine's Girlfriend: Five Things About Anne Vyalitsyna. Will They Settle ...

Posted by ToniFitz76 on December 1st, 2010 at 6:16 am

Adam Levine's girlfriend, Anne Vyalitsyna, struts the runway

Wondering why the frontman of Maroon 5 was front and center for last night's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010? Adam Levine's girlfriend, Anne Vyalitsyna, who strutted down the catwalk with fellow supermodels Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio and Chanel Iman.

It was the first time Levine had come to one of her runway shows, so does that mean they re getting serious? Might there be babies and marriage in the future? Here's five things about Vyalitsyna, including where you ve seen her before. (Besides Maroon 5's Misery video!)

1. She's best known for being in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue six years running, dating back to 2005.

2. She is from Russia.

3. Both her parents are doctors.

4. She's got a big heart: She ran the New York City Marathon last year in order to guide a disabled athlete.

5. She's the latest in a string of famous girlfriends for Levine, who has also dated Natalie Portman, Jessica Simpson and serial dater Cameron Diaz.


Photo: CBS

Other recent posts by ToniFitz76:

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010: Would You Let Your Teen Son Watch This Video?!?

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange's Mom: Do Not Hunt Down My Son

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Six Things You Didn t Know About Rudolph Movie! COMMENTS: (0) TAGS: adam levine, adam levine girlfriend, adriana lima, adrianna lima, anne vyalitsyna, anne vyalitsyna and adam levine, anne vyalitsyna photos, maroon 5, victoria's secret fashion show 2010, who is adam levine dating

Senin, 29 November 2010

Surely The Six Best Leslie Nielsen Lines

He became known as a serious actor in the 1950s and then reinvented his career with spoofy turns in Airplane!," Police Squad and The Naked Gun in the 1980's and '90s. Leslie Nielsen, who died Sunday at the age of 84, was part of numerous comedies and even more water-cooler conversations. He didn t write his trademark lines, but you wonder if we d remember any of them if he didn t deliver them in his daffy deadpan.

Herewith, then, a quick study in Nielsenology. Your contributions welcome.

The hospital quip. ( A hospital? What is it? It's a big building with patients but that's not important right now. ) Admittedly an overused one compared to his other misplaced-modifier specials ( That's the red-light district. I wonder why Savage is hanging around down there. Sex, Frank? ) But still a classic.

The political Leslie, as evidenced in an exchange with George Bush in Naked Gun. Frank, please consider filling a post I'm creating. It may mean long hours and dangerous nights, surrounded by some of the scummiest elements in our society. You want me to be in your cabinet? Before the tea party, apparently, there was Leslie Nielsen.

The Goodyear blimp gag. It's the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girl dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day. Goodyear? No, the worst. Never fails to get a laugh. Who else could pull off wordplay involving vulcanized rubber?

The moment-of-panic Leslie, with a who s-on-first spin. Captain, how soon can you land? I'm just not sure. Well, can't you take a guess? Well, not for another two hours." You can't take a guess for another two hours?

The standard-bearer.

And finally, not from a movie, but somehow appropriate the day after Nielsen's passing. Doing nothing is very hard to do you never know when you're finished.

Steven Zeitchik


Photo: Leslie Nielsen in Credit: Paramount Pictures


Leslie Nielsen dies

Surely, Fresh Air Remembers Leslie Nielsen

November 29, 2010

Audio for this story from Fresh Air from WHYY will be available at approx. 5:00 p.m. ET
Enlarge The Kobal Collection

Leslie Nielsen played Lt. Frank Drebin in the television comedy Police Squad! which later led to starring roles in the Naked Gun franchise.

The Kobal Collection

Leslie Nielsen played Lt. Frank Drebin in the television comedy Police Squad! which later led to starring roles in the Naked Gun franchise.

Leslie Nielsen began his life as a dramatic actor, starring in films like The Poseidon Adventure and Forbidden Planet, but became famous for parodying the same straight-arrow roles that gave him his start. He was ultimately best known for his comic roles, particularly his portrayal of the incredibly stupid detective from the Naked Gun franchise, Lt. Frank Drebin.

On Sunday, the comic actor, who appeared in over 100 films in his lifetime, died from complications of pneumonia. He was 84.

In a 1993 interview on Fresh Air, Nielsen explained how the Naked Gun team producers-directors-and-writers Jim Abrahams and David and Jerry Zucker initially approached him, as well as Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges and Robert Stack to star in their 1980 disaster-movie spoof, Airplane!

"They had written something that was just wonderfully dumb and funny," he said.[we] approached their material with the same seriousness and the same gravity with which we approached our police television shows, that we were doing, that it would be very funny."

That film's commercial success and Nielsen's scene-stealing scenes as the doomed airplane's doctor led to a lead role, as Drebin, in Abrahams and the Zuckers' short-lived 1982 TV series Police Squad, which poked fun at Dragnet and other cop shows and then the Naked Gun series, alongside O.J. Simpson and Priscilla Presley.

"Today, in my career, I'm doing what I love to do," he said. do comedy. It's a pleasure to go for the laughter."

Nielsen's role in Naked Gun led to appearances in many other comedies, including Spy Hard, Mr. Magoo, Scary Movie 3, Surf Ninja, and Dracula: Dead and Loving It.

But he never forgot the film that first catapulted him into the world of laughs:[Airplane!] script I knew exactly what they were after," he said.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

$65m Spiderman Show Finally Arrives On Broadway

(Photo Credit: AP/Columbia Pictures)

NEW YORK (CBS 2/1010 WINS) At long last, the curtain has risen on Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark.

The first preview performance of the superhero show on Broadway got underway at the Foxwoods Theatre at 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

The anticipation has been building for months amid reports of injuries from the wild stunts and soaring costs. Many theatergoers said they were curious to see how it would turn out.

I came to get a ticket because I ve heard it's such a disaster and this would be the first time they ve ever run the show I want to come and see it all go horrendously wrong, one man told 1010 WINS Sonia Rincon. 1010 WINS SONIA RINCON REPORTS

The $65 million show is believed to be the most expensive ever to hit the Great White Way. It features music by Bono and The Edge of U2, just one of the reasons people are excited.

I heard it cost $60 million, and I wonder why, so I m very curious to see what this theater is going to look like, and I want to hear the new songs by Bono and The Edge, one New Yorker, set to see the show in a few weeks, said.

The production has been beset by technical and editorial difficulties, and has seen several delays. It was originally scheduled to open in January.

Ruth Lynn, who said she worked with the show's director on The Lion King, had a ticket and said she trusted Julie Taymor's vision despite reports of problems.

I don t know how you re going to get to a certain end if you don t experience all kinds of things. I don t wish anybody harm, but she has great ideas, she said.

Spider-man Musical Delays Broadway Debut

The Spider-Man musical on Broadway has been forced to delay the opening of its first show by three weeks, reports said on Friday. Above, Spiderman on Broadway's cast members Reeve Carney and Jennifer Damiano. (John W. Ferguson/Getty Images for Scoop NYC) The Broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark will be officially delayed again and won t premiere until January, according to Showbiz411.

There are no changes coming to the actual show, the musical's director Julie Taymor told Showbiz 411. All the changes have to do with technical things. The flying, of course. But also all the wires, and the changes between scenes. We may need a little bit of an underscore to cover a move, or a small transition that needs to be smoothed."

The show itself has a lot of factors involved with the production.

Spiderman: Turn off the Dark is a musical as well as a circus, and costs $55 million to produce.

This is an ambitious production, Taymor added. But I have enthusiastic, talented supporters here who want to be here. It's not like I m one person doing this. I can t force intelligent, experienced people to do something they don t want to do. The show was originally set to begin previews on Nov. 14, but now has been pushed back to Nov. 28, according to the Associated Press.

AP reported that the show will have a 41-member cast, 18 orchestra members, and circus-disabled acrobatics.

Amazon Cyber Monday 2010: Swiss Legend Watches Sold Out? More Watches 90% Off!

GABRIELLE BLAIR is author of the popular Design Mom blog and a founder of Kirtsy an influential social media community for women. She and her sweetheart, Ben, have migrated to Colorado where they are raising their six kids.

ELINA FURMAN, publisher of Mamaista.com, is a frequent parenting lifedisabled columnist and the author of over 20 books. She lives in Westchester, NY with her husband and 2-year-old son.

MICHELLE HORTON has covered everything from beauty to lifedisabled to politics, but since having her son at the ripe age of 23, she's been a regular contributor to Babble.com where she blogs at BeingPregnant. She lives in upstate New York with her husband and son, and occasionally updates her blog at Mama Never Said.

JORDAN FERNEY is a former event planner and author of the popular Oh Happy Day blog. She likes picnics, balloons, and any kind of party. Jordan lives in San Francisco in a one bedroom apartment with her husband, Paul and two boys, Moses and Roman.

SUNNY CHANEL resides in San Francisco with her husband, daughter, beagle and a tarantula named Lulu. She has strung words together for the SF Weekly, Bust, and Jane among others and currently writes for Babble's Famecrawler and Family disabled blog.

NADIA CARRIERE, founder and editor of Childmode.com, is a fashion aficionado who is forever on the lookout for the hottest family lifedisabled, luxury and travel trends. Nadia lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and their two daughters.

LIZ STANLEY blogs daily at Say Yes to Hoboken, a collection of beautiful things and creations, when she's not camping under the Golden Gate bridge or digging for treasures at local thrift stores. Born and raised a New Yorker, Liz is now happy to call the fairytale city of San Francisco home with her husband and son.

ANNE SAGE is the co-founder of Rue Magazine, an online interiors and entertaining publication with a fashion and lifedisabled sensibility. She also founded The City Sage, a blog that features daily inspiration for fashion and interior design. She lives in San Francisco.

RACHELLE WILDE loves everything to do with design for the little one! She was inspired to start a blog called Kenziepoo, after her adorable daughter Kenzie. She also is the editor of La Petite Magazine.

STEPHANIE BRUBAKER dabbles in everything from food to photography to her own overseas renovation on her blog stephmodo. In a previous life she worked on the corporate side of Williams Sonoma Home. Stephanie recently set roots down in Seattle with her husband and 4 kiddos.

RACHEL FAUCETT is a designer and vintage scout for all things children, sharing her latest finds on her blog handmade charlotte. She lives on a farm just outside of Atlanta with her husband and their five children (and ever-changing menagerie of animals).

The Funny Girl Fanny Bryce

Home Entertainment News, featured

28 November 2010 No Comment

Fanny Bryce is one of the most influential women on her era. She is one American woman that started her career and made all the way to famous Broadway. She was known for her talented act as a film star as well a comedian. Her worked was thought to be one of the best as she was not also the creator but also the star of the top-rated radio comedy series, The Baby Snooks Show. Her life as well as her success story has inspired many others far beyond her time. And after thirteen years since her death, at exactly the year of 1968, her life was portrayed on the film which called Funny Girl. The film managed to score a big success not only for the movie itself, but also for the casts that starred the movie. The film was directed by William Wyler based on the screenplay that was made by Isobel Lennart from her book for the same musical stage production. The film itself was produced by Brice's son-in-law, Ray Stark, not Tony Stark apparently. In 2006, the American Film Institute ranked the film #16 on its list commemorating 100 Years of Musicals. There are lots of song that are memorable that comes from this movie. The songs People and Don t Rain on My Parade at #13 and #46, respectively, in its 2004 list of 100 Years 100 Songs. And also the line Hello, gorgeous has gained its place at #81 in its 2005 list of 100 Years 100 Movie Quotes, while Barbara Streisand, the actress that plays Fanny Brice made the famous stepping stone of her career by winning the Academy Award for Best Actress. The film itself was focuses on the stormy relationship that Bryce had with the famous entrepreneur and gambler Nicky Arnstein. Nicky Arnstein who was played by Omar Sharif was one gambler that decided to marry Fanny after he won a few poker games. They then moved to a big and expensive house and have a daughter there. But then again, his business begins to fail that forced them to move to a little apartment. Wanting to live without the help of his wife, Arnstein started to getting involved in bond scam. It's one crime that leads him to serve his punishment in prison for eighteen months. After he was released, the two has reunited again to end up in a brief relationship before they finally ended their relationship. The love life of someone famous often comes in a bad ending. But then again, Fanny Bryce has surely been one funny girl that inspired many actresses long after her glorious time.

Jumat, 26 November 2010

No Need To Shop: 5 Ideas For A Retail-free Black Friday

No Need To Shop: 5 Ideas For A Retail-Free Black Friday

Along with being the official start of Christmas shopping season, Friday Black Friday, of courseis Buy Nothing Day. The day of no shopping is Nov. 27 in the United Kingdom and Nov. 26 in the United States, so enjoy it a day later if you're crossing the pond to find some bargains.

We expect to be filled with turkey and gravy on Friday, and plan to join this anti-Black Friday movement by not buying anything on Black Fridayincluding shopping on the Internet. No matter who you are, you could probably use a day off from the retail trenches. We've come up with some alternate Black Friday activities to keep your mind out of the stores and your bank account in the black.

Going into debt is a terrible way to start the new year, so follow our lead and try at least one of these ways to avoid the biggest day of shopping temptation this year:

We recommend staying home in front of a cozy fire and reading your favorite book. If you don't already have a few unread books sitting around, then go buy one before Friday or better yet, borrow one from a friend or go to the library. If you're unsure what to read, start with the New York Times' bestseller list. Or, if you're looking to get inspired, check out one of these. Want to brush up on your investing? We have those, too.

Posted by LEARNVEST at November 25, 2010 10:00 a.m. Categories: Black Friday, Current Events, Entertainment, Holidays, Living Frugally


Kamis, 25 November 2010

Three-page Coroner's Report Released On Ronni Chasen's Murder; New Details Emerge

Three-page coroner's report released on Ronni Chasen's murder; new details emerge

(CNS) Posted Thursday November 25, 2010 - 9:20am

A three-page coroner's report on the shooting death of longtime movie publicist Ronni Chasen includes new details about the killing.

Whoever shot her may have been using a 9 mm handgun loaded at least in part with hollow-point ammunition, according to the report cited by Fox 11.

The report quoted by Fox 11 repeats and confirms much of what has been reported so far, but is the first time a detailed Department of Coroner's perspective on the case has been cited publicly.

The report includes the following quotations, according to Fox 11.

"While she was stopped at a red light at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Whittier Drive," an Fox 11 quoted the report.

"After being struck by gunfire... she then made a left turn and drove for approximately a quarter-mile before she crashed her car into a pole."

The report includes a Beverly Hills detective stating that only the right-side passenger seat and windows of Chasen's Mercedes-Benz sedan were damaged by gunfire, according to Fox 11.

The report states no shell casings were recovered, according to Fox 11 Fox 11 quotes the report.

Chasen died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Beverly Hills police stated previously.

The report then details Chasen's gunshot injuries, according to Fox 11.

"There were three apparent gunshot wounds to the right breast/chest area," the report states.

Coroner's Investigator Jerry McKibben tonight said Assistant Chief Deputy Coroner Ed Winter stated his department has not released any documents from the Chasen death investigation.

Chasen, 64, was shot five times in the chest near Sunset Boulevard and Whittier Drive about 12:30 a.m. Nov. 16, according to previous Beverly Hills police accounts.

Cher On Chaz: 'i Have Two Sons'

Nov. 19, 2010

Pop icon Cher has spent nearly five decades in the limelight with chart-topping hits, award-winning roles in films, and her famously outlandish outfits. Now at 64, she's back again, starring in her first movie musical, in which she plays a tough-loving den mother to a gang of tantalizing young dancers.

With co-stars half her age, Cher kept up with 16-hour workdays in her five-inch heels.

"This was the hardest work I ever did," she told ABC News' Cynthia McFadden, in their fourth interview in 10 years.

While making the movie, Cher says she played mentor to her 29-year-old co-star, singer Christina Aguilera, who was making her film debut.

"The more that she and I worked together, I think the better she got. She's got the goods, she's got that voice. And she killed herself," said Cher.

In McFadden's wide-ranging interview with Cher, the star spoke candidly about several subjects, including her own love life.

"I have a boyfriend, that we have decided that we are some place between boyfriend and best friend. ...He makes me laugh more than anybody I've ever known. And he's very crazy, but very smart, and very talented."

From Two Children To Two Sons

The man is Ron Zimmerman, a 52 year-old screenwriter and director. Zimmerman is one of three leading men in her life today. The other two are her sons, Elijah Blue Allman and Chaz Bono.

"I have two sons. Never thought that would be, but, you know? You go through life, and you get what you get. You get what belongs to you," she said.

Chaz was Cher's first born child her sweet little girl named Chastity, from her first marriage to the late Sonny Bono. This past spring, Chaz became a man after undergoing gender re-assignment surgery. It has been a sensitive subject for Cher and she has been reluctant to discuss it until now.

Cher told McFadden it was difficult for her when Chastity first came out as a lesbian a decade ago, even though she had suspected for years her daughter was gay.

"She had told everybody but me," said Cher,

Ron Zimmerman: Cher And Ron Zimmerman Marriage?

Thursday, November 25th, 2010 at 11:21 am , filed under Dating by Lee

RON ZIMMERMAN: Lots of rumors are circulating that Cher and Ron Zimmerman are plans to marry. Both Cher and Ron Zimmerman have met in facebook.

The latest love story is rocking internet as the Cher and Ron Zimmerman are looking for marriage.

Ron Zimmerman is a famous TV screen writer and comedian. He played a Doc role in the family drama series 7th Heaven. Cher, an Oscar and Grammy award-winning singer-actress has started dating with Ron Zimmerman. Both have met in famous social networking site, facebook.

Cher is a 64-year-old and Ron Zimmerman is a 52-year-old. She was success in convincing Zimmerman to date with her. She met Zimmerman in the facebook as a friend of a friend. Initially, Ron did not believe that she was Cher and one month later, he confirmed that she is Cher.

Cher said, Ron is short, a bit scraggly, like an absentminded professor. He's the funniest person I have ever met, and the most eccentric so bizarre and kind and very special.

Earlier, Cher had a dating relationship with Warren Beatty and Tom Cruise. Now, she is having great time with new boy friend, Ron.

TAGS: Cher and Ron Zimmerman Marriage, Ron Zimmerman, Ron Zimmerman Cher


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Firefighter Remembers Fallen Coworker, Friend

By Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield - bio | email

COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - Funeral arrangements have been set for a Columbia firefighter who was fatally hit by a car while tending to a brush fire along Interstate 20 Saturday afternoon.

A memorial for 23-year-old Chance Zobel will be held at 1:00pm Wednesday at Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia, followed by a burial service at Shady Grove United Methodist Church in Irmo. Columbia Interim Fire Chief Aubrey Jenkins said Zobel's family will receive friends from 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday at the Dunbar Funeral Home in Irmo.

Station 4 considers itself a team. Zobel was a rookie by the numbers, that is. said Engineer Ron Zimmerman.

Zimmerman would know the two worked in close quarters, with Zimmerman driving the truck and Zobel riding in the. said Zimmerman.

On Saturday, he did just that. Zimmerman was working a fire in a median with his team of four, when two of them were hit by a car. said Zimmerman.

And he did. Zimmerman says he rendered help to the two men who are normally helping others. While firefighter Larry Irvin survived, Zobel died.

"Once it's etched in your mind, it's just gonna be there whether you want to forget about it or not," said Zimmerman.

After 16 years on the job, Zimmerman knew this could happen. After only a few months into his job, Zobel did too. He'd even talked about his funeral. reflected Zimmerman.

And they will. On Wednesday morning, the firefighters will become pallbearers and walk beside the man they worked beside.


Copyright 2010 WIS. All rights reserved.

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Ina Garten Google Doodle: Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes!


Ina Garten is today's Google Doodle and her amazing recipes are only a click away.

Traditionally, Google's Doodle will lead visitors to a search landing page filled with results specific to the image but today, the photo actually links to THIS DELICIOUS INA GARTEN THANKSGIVING TURKEY RECIPE.
The page says This Thanksgiving holiday, we are grateful for many things: family, friends, and of course, food. Just in time for the big day, beloved COOKBOOK AUTHOR AND TV CHEF INA GARTEN offers everyone six simple yet delicious recipes to make one of the year's biggest dinner parties as easy as, well, pumpkin pie. Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Cooking!

The printable recipe (which also includes how to make herb & apple stuffing) is sure to be a popular choice for many families this Thanksgiving.

Learn more about Ina Garten HERE and find a gallery of printable recipes from the top chef HERE.

If you re looking for other great recipes for the holidays, be sure to check out NIBBLEDISH.COM.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sponsored Links for Thanksgiving

Authors On The Air: Kimball, Herm, Garten

Authors on the Air: Kimball, Herm, Garten

Nov 23, 2010

Today, The Leonard Lopate Show interviews Kristin Kimball, author of The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love (Scribner, ISBN 978-1416551607), about why Kimball left a career as a freelance writer in New York City to become a farmer near Lake Champlain. And fourth-generation farmer Eric Herm, author of Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth, a Path to Agriculture's Higher Consciousness (Dreamriver Press, ISBN 978-0979790898), discusses the strains commercial agriculture puts on our natural resources, ecosystems, and farmers.

Talk of the Nation features Ina Garten, author of Barefoot Contessa How Easy Is That?: Fabulous Recipes & Easy Tips (Clarkson Potter, ISBN 978-0307238764).
Jay Z is on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart talking about his new book, Decoded (Spiegel & Grau, ISBN 978-1400068920).
Due to the nature of live programming, scheduling is subject to change.
Booksellers can order these titles through Ingram at ipage.
Related Topics and Links:

House Beautiful Chops Columnist 'contessa' For Florence

Barefoot Contessa Ina Garten is getting her walking papers as House Beautiful's food columnist of five years and being replaced with fellow Food Network star Tyler Florence. It's the highest-profile change yet for HB editor Newell Turner, who was promoted to editor in chief in April. He got the job when predecessor Stephen Drucker was named to lead sibling pub Town & Country. Turner said after a really great run with Ina, he thought Florence, who brings a West Coast perspective and has a young family, would help bring in new readers. He's a perfect person to pick up where Ina left off, he said. He's all about big flavors and big ideas in the kitchen. I think Tyler's going to bring this other level of family to the story. Florence will be a contributing editor starting with the February 2011 issue, with a new monthly column, Tyler's Kitchen. Recipes from Garten's Ask the Barefoot Contessa column will live on the magazine's Web site. In other changes, Turner said he's also making a big push into outdoor living content, starting with the spring issues. It's just become a big part of how Americans live.

Follow AdweekMedia senior editor Lucia Moses on Twitter via [@]LMOSES.

Google Offers Thanksgiving Recipes With New Doodle

Bertrand Vasquez | Nov 23, 2010 | Comments 1

Mountain View, California-based Google Inc. has changed its logo once. However, the company is not yet celebrating a holiday or commemorating the birthday of a famous individual. Instead, Google is offering Thanksgiving recipes by Ina Garten in order to help thousands of individuals prepare their feasts for this Thursday's celebration of Thanksgiving Day here in the United States.

The doodle features a photo of a various ingredients for a Thanksgiving Day meal, including a turkey, carrots, herbs, onions, garlic, olive oil, and more. The ingredients replace the two O's in Google.

By clicking on the doodle, individuals are redirected to web-page called Thanksgiving Recipes from Google. There, users can find recipes to make Perfect Roast Turkey with Herb and Apple Stuffing, Popovers, Smashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Cranberry Fruit Conserve, and Pumpkin Banana Mousse Tart.

The recipes sure sound delicious and easy to prepare. We re sure than thousands of cooks across the country will surely appreciate this little nice detail by Google.

Let us know what you think of today's Google Doodle in the comments below.


TAGS: Google google doodle holiday Ina Garten logo recipes Thanksgiving Day turkey united states

Senin, 22 November 2010

Saic Awarded $45m Navy Contract

NOVEMBER 11, 2010


MCLEAN, Va. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) (NYSE: SAI) today announced it has been awarded a task order by the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane Division to provide technical and engineering services to the Spectrum Warfare Systems Department. The task order has a three-year base period of performance, two one-year award term periods, and a total value of more than $45 million, if all award term periods are exercised. Work will be performed at NSWC Crane in Crane, Ind. and other locations as required. The task order was awarded under the U.S. Navy's SeaPort-e contract.

NSWC Crane is a field activity of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) supporting the advancement of technology to provide an affordable future fleet. Under the task order, SAIC will provide engineering, scientific, logistics and data management services to the Spectrum Warfare Systems Department.

"We look forward to continuing our support of NSWC with the advanced defensive technologies required to allow them to perform their critical missions and keep the warfighter safe," said Tom Baybrook, SAIC senior vice president and business unit general manager.

About SAIC

SAIC is a FORTUNE 500 scientific, engineering, and technology applications company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy and the environment, critical infrastructure, and health. The company's approximately 45,000 employees serve customers in the U.S. Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets. Headquartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of $10.8 billion for its fiscal year ended January 31, 2010. For more information, visit www.saic.com. SAIC: From Science to Solutions

Source: SAIC

Navy Advancement Center:for Nko In Early 2010

Home // Headlines, World News // Navy Advancement Center:For Nko in early 2010

NAVY ADVANCEMENT CENTER:FOR NKO IN EARLY 2010-The Centre for the Advancement of Marine (NAC) pages provide links directly to the document bibliography exam, and provide shopping and one-stop virtual sailors who have been tracking numerous publications and references to prepare for exams. Sailors preparing for examinations, advancement is obtained a new tool to make the quest easier: Navy Knowledge Online (Nko) Web pages will provide links to this article in the advancement of bibliographies. We are planning to launch the Center for the Advancement pages Nko in early 2010, making the information easily accessible for most of the sailors, said Kirk Schulz, President of Operations and Analysis Division, Center for the Advancement freely in Pensacola. Each of the links professional military (PMK) Knowledge to be available for each grade and evaluation, we have aimed at a professional reference links to the start of March. This PMKs include references such as: NAVEDTRA 14325, military requirements, basic (BMR]), and NAVPERS 15665, United States Navy Uniform Regulations. And provided links PMK available in August 2009, but the sailors could only reach through the Web site Breda. It is up to the individual sailor to track down each of the reference professional references (aprons), and can be an important task for research. For example, the author of March 2010 e-4 specialist comprehensive exam lists 32 references and professional references to eight separate PMK. Professional references to: (to the master of arms) NTTP 3 20.6.29M, tactical operations of the boats and OPNAVINST 3591,1 small arms training and rehabilitation. And progress will be achieved in nearly 25000 employees to sailors of small first-class and second and the third for the spring session, according to navytimes.com. Progress on the list, there are 21,526 active duty sailors and support the full-time reservists and 3606. Not only the sailors were receiving faster access to results, but also that they are now able to track previous results.

Childress Fired By Vikings Monday; Will Favre Finish The Year In Minnesota?

Childress fired by Vikings Monday, following a dispirited 31-3 Vikings loss at home to Green Bay. Now that Brad Childress is out, will his quarterback be far behind?

This Sept. 9 file photo shows Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress reacting during their NFL football game against the New Orleans Saints at the Louisiana Superdome. Childress was fired as Vikings head coach on Nov. 22.

Bill Haber, File/AP Photo Enlarge

By Pat Murphy, Staff / November 22, 2010

Embattled Minnesota head coach Brad Childress was relieved of his duties by the Vikings on Monday, one day after they dropped to 3-7 with a 28-point home loss to the Packers. Skip to next paragraph

Defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier will take over the team on an interim basis.

Despite reaching the NFC Championship game last year, the Vikings never got things rolling in the right direction this season.

After losing three of their first four games, they tried to reignite quarterback Brett Favre and the offense by trading for former All-Pro receiver Randy Moss. But even that manueverfired and Moss was released after a loss to the Patriots on Halloween.

The next big question for this organization has to be the future of Brett Favre. Will Frazier sit Favre and go withup quarterback Tavaris Jackson to try and generate some offensive spark?

Despite injuries, the Vikings remain a talented football team that could cause problems for NFC contenders the rest of this season.

Ameresco Quantum Partners With Washington School Districts And Community And ...

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. and RENTON, Wash., Nov 01, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) Ameresco, Inc., /quotes/comstock/13*!amrc/quotes/nls/amrc (AMRC 12.93, +0.64, +5.21%) , a leading energy efficiency and renewable energy company, announced today that its business unit Ameresco Quantum, Inc. has partnered with 21 school districts and 8 community and technical colleges throughout Washington state to help them obtain $21 million in grants for energy conservation project costs valued at over $46 million. The state funding, which was part of the 2010 Jobs Act for Public K-12 and Higher Education, is for energy and operational efficiency projects that will create jobs and reduce costs.

"We are thrilled that our customers have been so successful in obtaining state support for much needed energy efficiency improvements at their facilities," said Mike O'Connor, Vice President, Northwest Region for Ameresco Quantum.

To date, Ameresco Quantum clients have been awarded 37 grants for energy savings performance contracts, more than any other energy services company. Ameresco estimates the economic activity associated with this work will create 690 jobs and generate over $4 million in sales tax revenue. The company will guarantee minimum reductions in annual energy use for the projects totaling 20 million kWh and $1.7 million per year. The energy savings is equivalent to the annual energy use of more than 1,535 Northwest single family homes and a reduction in CO2 emissions of nearly 20 million pounds per year.

Recipients of the grants include:

K-12 School Districts: Auburn School District, Battle Ground School District, Bethel School District, Camas School District, Central Kitsap School District, Cle Elum-Roslyn School District, Issaquah School District, Montesano School District, North Mason School District, North Thurston Public Schools, Olympia School District, Puyallup School District, Quilcene School District, Renton School District, Selah School District, Selkirk School District, Shelton School District, South Kitsap School District, Tumwater School District, Walla Walla Public Schools, Washtucna School District and Wishkah Valley School District.

Community & Technical Colleges: Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Grays Harbor College, Olympic College, Seattle Central Community College, Skagit Valley College, South Puget Sound Community College and Wenatchee Valley College.

About Ameresco, Inc.

Ameresco, Inc. was incorporated in Delaware in April 2000 and is a leading independent provider of comprehensive energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions for facilities throughout North America. Ameresco's solutions include upgrades to a facility's energy infrastructure, and the development, construction, and operation of renewable energy plants. With corporate headquarters located in Framingham, MA, Ameresco has 55 offices in 29 states and four Canadian provinces. For more information, visit www.ameresco.com

SOURCE: Ameresco, Inc.

Ameresco, Inc. CarolAnn Hibbard, 508-661-2264 news[@]ameresco.com

Copyright Business Wire 2010

Issaquah Roads Remain Open As Snowy Monday Arrives

Browse > Home / Local News / Issaquah roads remain open as snowy Monday arrives

November 22, 2010

By Warren Kagarise

NEW 10:15 A.M. NOV. 22, 2010

Snow continues to fall in Issaquah, but roads remain open and Issaquah School District schools opened as usual Monday morning.

The school district cancelled afternoon kindergarten, early childhood education, Head Start and all-after school activities for Monday due to the snow.

City Public Works Operations Department crews worked through the night to apply de-icer to city streets.

In addition, all city Parks both can lead to heat illness.
* Keep a winter storm survival kit in your car. The kit should include blankets, food, flares, chains, gloves and first aid supplies.
* If possible, avoid being outside during the coldest part of the day, or for extended periods of time in extreme cold weather.
* Most of your body heat is lost through your head so wear a hat, preferably one to cover your ears.
* Mittens provide more warmth to your hands than gloves.
* Wear waterproof, insulated boots to help avoid hypothermia or frostbite by keeping your feet warm and dry and to maintain your footing in ice and snow.
* Take frequent breaks and stay hydrated.
* Get out of wet clothes immediately and warm the core body temperature with a blanket or warm fluids like hot cider or soup. Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol if you expect you or someone you are trying to help has hypothermia or frostbite.
* Prepare your vehicle. Winterize your car by taking your vehicle to a trusted mechanic, who will check things, like the tires for appropriate pressure and tread, the cooling system, the battery, the wiper blades and washer fluid, etc.
* During the winter months, make sure to keep your gas tank near full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Keep extra blankets in the trunk in the event that you are stranded and have to wait for help.

Written by Warren Kagarise Filed Under Local News

Copyright 2010 by Issaquah Press Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed without permission. E-mail editor[@]isspress.com


What's Microsoft's Role In The Novell-attachmate Deal?

Seattle-based Attachmate Corp. is buying Novell for $2.2 billion, the companies announced on November 22. At the same time, Novell announced the concurrent sale of certain intellectual property assets to CPTN Holdings LLC, a consortium of technology companies organized by Microsoft Corporation, for $450 million in cash.

So far, Microsoft is saying little about its role in the deal.

We are pleased to be a part of the acquisition of certain intellectual property assets of Novell. Microsoft looks forward to continuing our collaboration with Novell into the future, to bring mixed source IT solutions to customers, said the company via a statement from Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Intellectual Property and Licensing.

I asked Microsoft officials for more information about which Novell IP assets they re purchasing. I also asked who else is part of CPTN Holdings. Microsoft officials haven t yet responded to my query. are providing no information beyond the statement above.

I m also wondering whether the Microsoft IP purchase means that Novell's plan to appeal its antitrust case against Microsoft involving WordPerfect is now DOA. I d assume so, but Microsoft officials are not commenting, they told me.

Novell and Microsoft's shared IP history has been tumultuous. Novell, the company behind SuSE Linux, entered a patent-protection deal with Microsoft in 2006. Via that deal, Microsoft agreed to distribute to its customers certificates for Novell's SuSE Linux, and Novell basically conceded that its implementation of Linux violated Microsoft patents and agreed its customers needed patent-enforcement protection. That pact was designed as a five-year deal (which would expire in 2011). As part of the 2006 arrangement, Microsoft and Novell also agreed to improve interoperability between Windows and Linux.

Attachmate officials have said they plan to operate Novell as two business units, Novell and SUSE, and join them with their Attachmate and NetIQ businesses.

UPDATE: It sounds like Mono development will continue under the new Attachmate owners, as well.

UPDATE 2: One IDC analyst suggests that Microsoft may have had designs on the Novell Platespin datacenter management/virtualization technology. Here's more on Platespin.

Mary Jo has covered the tech industry for more than 25 years for a variety of publications and Web sites, and is a frequent guest on radio, TV and podcasts, speaking about all things Microsoft-related. She is the author of Microsoft 2.0: How Microsoft plans to stay relevant in the post-Gates era (John Wiley & Sons, 2008).

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Eagles Hobbs Has Full Movement After Neck Injury

Posted on Mon, Nov. 22, 2010

One moment, there was a roar of excitement.

The next, there was silence.

The quiet lasted for 10 minutes, too, as medical personnel worked on Eagles returner Ellis Hobbs, who was injured on the second-half kickoff.

After the long, anxious delay, Hobbs left the field on a stretcher, raising both fists to salute the crowd in Lincoln Financial Field.

Most of the crowd was on its feet, cheering for Hobbs.

The Eagles announced that Hobbs had suffered a neck injury but that he had full movement of all extremities and that X-rays on his neck were negative.

Hobbs was hurt as he was returning the kickoff in the Eagles' 27-17 win. He was spun around by Giants defensive back Brian Jackson, lowered his head, and collided, helmet to helmet, with Giants defensive end Dave Tollefson.

Tollefson, whose head also was lowered, was not penalized on the play. The NFL announced in October it would crack down on helmet-to-helmet hits with increased fines and possible suspensions, especially on defenseless players.

Late in the first half, Eagles cornerback Asante Samuel was hit with a 15-yard penalty for unnecessary roughness for a helmet-to-helmet hit with Giants wide receiver Derek Hagan.

The Linc was buzzing with excitement at the start of the second half, as the Eagles held a 13-3 lead over the Giants in the nationally televised battle for first place in the NFC East.

On the kickoff return, Hobbs' head was down and the hit from Tollefson appeared to make impact at the top of Hobbs' helmet. Hobbs collapsed to the ground and fumbled the football, although the Eagles' Clay Harbor recovered.

Hobbs lay motionless on the field. The stadium went quiet.

Eventually, the entire Eagles team came on the field to form a semicircle around Hobbs as he was treated by medical personnel.

Hobbs was on his stomach for most of his time on the ground. He was rolled over by medical personnel and placed on a support board, then moved to a stretcher.

The 5-foot-9, 195-pound Hobbs is a sixth-year player from Iowa State. He spent the first four years of his career with New England and was acquired by the Eagles in a trade from the Patriots before the 2009 season.

Hobbs started the first seven games this season at left cornerback. He was sidelined by a hip injury and replaced in the starting lineup by Dimitri Patterson.
Contact staff writer Phil Anastasia at 856-779-3223 or panastasia[@]phillynews.com.

Hoping My Philly Marathon Time Benefits From Construction

ANDREA SIEGEL, a reporter at The Baltimore Sun, covers mostly crime and courts in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, as well as legal issues. She wishes she was more physically fit, and, as she's more fond of chocolate than exercise, fitness is a challenge. Her partner on a one-mile-plus daily walk is the family dog, a mixed breed named Moxie, and she exercises at the gym where the D.C. snipers once worked out. JERRY JACKSON has been a photo editor at The Baltimore Sun for 14 years and an avid cyclist for more than 30 years. Inspired by the movie he started racing as a teenager in Mississippi when leather were still the norm. He regularly commutes to work by bike and still enters several mountain bike races a year for fun. View Twitter feed PATRICK MAYNARD, who will be writing about running and walking, has been a producer for baltimoresun.com since 2008. In 2009, he tweeted on-course for the Sun from the Baltimore Marathon, finishing in just under 4 hours and almost managing to run the whole time. He sometimes walks to the Sun offices on Calvert Street. View Twitter feed LEEANN ADAMS, a multimedia editor at The Baltimore Sun, also dabbles in content for the mobile website and iPhone app and covers the Ravens via video. She did a triathlon to celebrate her 40th birthday and continues to swim, bike and run none of them quickly, though. Her biggest fitness challenge is to balance working, working out, spending time with her husband and being a mom to a 6-year-old boy. View Twitter feed ANICA BUTLER, the Sun's crime editor, is a former high school runner and recovering vegetarian who spent more of her early-adult years on a bar stool than working out. She is currently training (though poorly) for a half marathon and is trying to live a generally healthier lifedisabled. She also hates the gym. View Twitter feed

Bj Penn Vs. Jon Fitch, George Sotiropoulos Vs. Denis Siver Planned For Ufc 127 ...

Home Headline, News, UFC, UFC 127

Just hours after earning impressive wins at Saturday's UFC 123, new challenges already await former champ BJ Penn and rising lightweight George Sotiropoulos, as Penn is expected to face welterweight contender Jon Fitch and Sotiropoulos will likely meet Dennis Siver at UFC 127 on Feb. 27 in Sydney, Australia.

UFC President Dana White announced the matchups at UFC 123's post-fight press conference.

Penn (16-7-1) knocked out hall of famer Matt Hughes in just 21-second at UFC 123 in their anticipated rubber match to rebound from-to-back losses to Frankie Edgar, while Fitch (23-3), who was targeted to face Jake Ellenberger in February, has earned five-straight decision wins.

Both Sotiropoulos (14-2) and Siver (17-7) are coming off impressive submission wins, as the Australian Sotiropoulos tapped Joe Lauzon in the second-round of UFC 123's Fight of the Night for his sixth-straight UFC win, while Siver stopped Andre Winner in the opening-round with the Submission of the Night last Saturday at UFC 122.

The UFC 127 fight card is also rumored to include Michael Bisping vs. Jorge Rivera and Carlos Condit vs. Chris Lytle.

For the latest UFC 127 news and UFC 127 rumors stay tuned to MMAFrenzy.com.

Pictured: BJ Penn

Tags: BJ Penn, Dennis Siver, George Sotiropoulos, Jon Fitch

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Mediator Gives Mccourts Settlement Proposal


FRANK and JAMIE MCCOURT each appeared in Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday to receive a settlement proposal from the mediator assigned to their divorce case, probably setting the stage for a ruling in the Dodgers' ownership battle.

Superior Court Judge PETER LICHTMAN, the mediator, met in separate closed sessions with each of the McCourts and their attorneys. Lichtman ordered the parties not to discuss the terms of the proposal publicly.

He is thought to have given each side until the end of the month to accept or reject his proposal. If the proposal is rejected, as expected, then Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon would rule on whether to uphold a marital agreement that would give Frank McCourt sole ownership of the Dodgers. Jamie McCourt has asked the court to throw out the agreement, which could make the team community property.

The McCourts have failed to settle despite several rounds of negotiations over the past year, with and without mediators.

Although the terms of Lichtman's proposal are confidential, previous discussions have established the outline of an agreement in which Frank McCourt would keep control of the Dodgers and would pay Jamie McCourt to surrender any claim to the team. The sides have been unable to agree how much Frank McCourt should pay and how that payment should be structured.


The Detroit Tigers finalized a $16.5-million, three-year contract with right-handed reliever Joaquin Benoit. He had a 1.34 earned-run average as a setup man for Tampa Bay last season and held opponents to a .147 batting average.

Houston Astros owner Drayton McLane, 74, is putting the team he has owned since 1992 up for sale.

The New York Yankees hired Larry Rothschild as their pitching coach. Rothschild, who was the Chicago Cubs' pitching coach, replaces Dave Eiland, who was fired in October.



Tennessee Coach BRUCE PEARL was suspended for the Volunteers' first eight Southeastern Conference games as punishment from Commissioner MIKE SLIVE for violating NCAA rules and misleading investigators.

"I have been a very public advocate for playing by the rules," Pearl said.




Shakti Stream Is Colt Brennan's Girlfriend

Meet Shakti Stream who just happens to be Colt Brennan's girlfriend. She was the driver of the car which plunged head-on into another car while driving in Hawaii on November 19th, 2010. The former quarterback of the Hawaii Warriors was injured in the auto accident as was she. See photos and video highlights here as full details of the news are emerging.

The couple is lucky to be alive.

Very little information about Shakti Stream's biography are known but we will tell you what we do know. Colt Brennan's girlfriend is a beautiful 27-year old native of Kona Island who any man would be happy to know as his girlfriend. Trust me. She has the look. She was born July 31, 1983.

Ms. Stream's Facebook page can be found here which contains more Shakti Stream photos with her famous boyfriend. On it we learn that she likes Hawaiin music, yogurt and Acid Dolls, which is a local designer of hot dresses, jewelry and shoes in Hawaii. She currently lives in Kailua-Kona. Please add anything else you know about her in the comments.

Shakti graduated from Kealakehe High School, Kailua Kona, Hawaii nine years ago in 2001 when she was 18 years old. She attended Hawaii Pacific college (go Hornets!) where she played on the collegiate tennis team, sometimes pairing for doubles with Dora Holdarova, Jessica Dudley, and Summer Terry on the squad. She is a right handed tennis player whose team finished 2nd place for the 2003 Pacific West Conference title.

He, as sports fans well know, was drafted by the Washington Redskins in the 2008 NFL draft (6th round). He went to football powerhouse Mater Dei High School near his hometown of Laguna Beach, California. He holds the NCAA career record for touchdown passes (126 total). Colt was born August 16, 1983, which makes him 27 years old, exactly the same age as his girlfriend, less three weeks.

The accident occurred on Kona Island on the Queen Kaahumanu Highway, which is a main artery through the big island on the way to Makalawena. Shakti Stream was driving a 1997 Toyota SUV when she collided with a 1996 Saab 4-door vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. Reports suggest that she strayed over the line although it is unconfirmed and the police investigation is continuing.

The driver of the other car is a woman who was evacuated by helicopter to North Kona Community Hospital and is listed in serious condition. Both Colt Brennan's girlfriend and the quarterback himself were transported to the same hospital and are also listed in serious condition. He reportedly broke his collar bone and several ribs.

You can read more about this story here and here.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all three people involved. Pictures of Shakti Stream show that she is a beautiful woman full of life and he is a famous hunk in his own right. And let's not forget the innocent driver of the other car while everyone else focuses on the famous couple.

Jumat, 19 November 2010

New Uniforms For The Redskins? New Nfl Uniforms 2010 News

Nov 20, 2010

Posted by Editor in News | Comments Off

New Nfl Uniforms 2010 News

Welcome! Our site has all the most up-to-the-minute news stories on new nfl uniforms 2010 available on the internet. The highlights below reveal the most current new nfl uniforms 2010 stories. surf back daily for even more of the latest new nfl uniforms 2010 stories Go get it! Happy reading!.

NEW UNIFORMS FOR THE REDSKINS? In October, the NFL announced Nike will replace Reebok as the official uniform supplier for players starting in 2012. However in recent days, sketches of supposed leaked concept Nike uniforms have been floating around on message boards and blogs on the internet, creating a frenzy for fans. Read more on FOX 5 Washington D.C.

THOSE SUPPOSED NIKE UNIFORM SKETCHES ARE FAKE So PFT has received a bunch of emails over the last couple of days from readers sending us pictures of supposed concept sketches of future NFL uniforms by Nike that leaked to the web. The shoe company takes over as the league's official supplier in 2012. Darren Rovell of CNBC has confirmed the pictures are Read more on NBC Sports: ProFootballTalk

New Nfl Uniforms 2010 update!

Saaci Welcomes 3 New National Board Members

The Southern African Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI) has appointed three new members to its national board.

Chris Prieto, Megan Arendse and Nomasonto Ndlovu were appointed after a call for nominations from SAACI members.

Nina Freysen-Pretorius, National Chairperson of SAACI says all positions on the board are now filled. Our new members bring very specific knowledge and expertise to the board. We welcome them and look forward to working with them to grow our association.

Chris Prieto, Special Events and VIP Liaison Manager at Emperors Palace, has been in the conference business for more than 20 years and was one of the first events professionals in South Africa to obtain a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) certification.

Megan Arendse, General Manager of the Operations Department at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, has been with the centre since its opening seven years ago. She serves on the board of the International Association of Congress Centres (AIPC).

Nomasonto Ndlovu, Global Manager for Business Tourism at South African Tourism, has extensive marketing and brand management experience, also of bidding for events. Among others, she was marketing manager at the KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority.

The new members will serve on the current board until July 2011 and will qualify for re-election. They will participate in a special general meeting on Wednesday, 23 February 2011 in Johannesburg and be involved in the formation of sector forums within SAACI.

Chris Prieto

Nomasonto Ndlovu

Megan Arendse

About The Author

Muzi Mohale wrote 3473 articles on this blog.

Am your host at Travelwires.com. I welcome your news worthy tourism press releases in South Africa and can be sent to muzi[at]travelwires.com. For all your website design services, visit www.4thedesign.com to get a quote today (from R1,500...we offer a package that includes logo design, domain registration + 1 month free web hosting).

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Takes First Place In Stomp Fest Competition

Black Cultural Programming Committee presents the awards at the Stomp Fest competition.

TNJN.com/Tift, Tameka

TNJN/Tift, Tameka

Black Cultural Programming Committee presents the awards at the Stomp Fest competition.

Following last week's story, UT's Black Cultural Programming Committee prepares for its 11th annual Southeastern Stomp Fest; one fraternity reaped the benefits of their efforts.

From the start to finish of the competition, each of the representing chapters brought forth rhythm and live entertainment on stage.

Each chapter had a limited amount of time to present the most creative routine. Choreography, stage props and keeping 'in-step' were all taken into account in the voting process. Iota Phi Theta fraternity received top scores for its performance and received $4,000 for placing first in the competition.
Although there was only room for one winner, the sorority Delta Sigma Theta placed 1st runner-up followed by Phi Beta Sigma fraternity placing 2nd runner-up.

Despite sincere efforts of the Black Cultural Programming Committee to request all of the Divine Nine to participate, only six of the nine chapters were able to compete in the Stomp Show Fest. The six participating chapters in founding order: Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Delta Sigma Theta sorority, Phi Beta Sigma fraternity and Iota Phi Theta.

Student Takes Lead In Providing Non-alcoholic Options

In an attempt to combat drinking on campus, junior Melvin Robinson has decided to provide students with weekly, non-alcoholic activities on Thursday nights.

Starting this Thursday, there will be weekly events held in the Student Union Building's Multi-purpose room for students. These events will be held in conjunction with Residence Life, Student Government Association, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., Boyz II Men Mentoring Program and the baseball team.

Planned activities include board games, card games, karaoke, caricatures and music by Robinson who also goes by

"There aren't enough social events on campus that people can go to for free and just hang out," Robinson said.

Sophomore Nykole Johnson agrees that there are limited things for students on campus.

Temple University has a similar event in effect on Friday nights where they serve food and drinks to students, Robinson added.

Robinson also hopes to incorporate knowledge of various subjects in the events.

Residence Life had a similar idea with Thirst for Knowledge Thursdays, which works as an alternative for alcohol consumption. The phrase was coined by Carl Walton, director of the Horace Mann Bond Honors Program and interim associate provost for Student Development and Student Affairs.

"Student's have adopted the Thirsty Thursday culture," John Lowney, director of Residence Life said. he said about the new Thursday events.

Since mid-October, Thirst for Knowledge has hosted programs, lectures, debates and additional events that range in nature. Every Thursday in the cafeteria, which are non-alcoholic variations of popular cocktails, are served to students.

"I want the programs to be student generated because students know what other students want," Lowney said.

Lowney hopes that the events to come will generate a lot of student participation as the ones held in the past.

Selasa, 16 November 2010

A Desperate Breakup Did Eva Longoria And Tony Parker Call It Quits?

MARY writes a humor blog, called The Mommyologist, all about the changes in life that go along with being a parent. She loves to travel, and enjoys trying out different martini recipes on weekends. She lives in Connecticut with her husband of almost 7 years and her 4-year-old son.

SUNNY CHANEL resides in San Francisco with her husband, daughter, beagle and a tarantula named Lulu. She has strung words together for the SF Weekly, Bust, and Jane among others and currently writes for Babble's Famecrawler and Family disabled blog.

MARA SIEGLER is a freelance writer and online content consultant living in Brooklyn, New York. She specializes in celebrity news and has worked with The Daily News, OK! Magazine, and several online sites. In her spare time, she is usually out listening to music and writes about those adventures on her column for Huffington Post.

KELLI CATANA is 30ish mom of 4 kids, wife to one lucky guy and lover of all things smutty! She has an insatiable appetite for pop culture and celebrity gossip and still has a hard time believing that Dylan chose Kelly over Brenda. Kelli also blogs over at The Yummy Mummy Club about all things pop culture. Kelli lives in Ottawa, Canada but dreams of living the Gossip Girl life in New York one day.

WENDY MICHAELS enjoys her career as an entertainment writer, covering the celeb buzz at the TV Crunch and Movie Crunch blogs. She loves celebrity gossip on any level, from A-listers right down to those pesky reality stars. Wendy lives in Central New York, where she enjoys time with her husband and two children.

LINDA MARSICANO a.k.a Lulu and Moxleys Mom is a former public relations executive who quit the corporate grind to freelance when her identical twin girls were born in 2007. Lulu and Moxley are what she would have named her daughters if she was famous. Sadly, she's not so she writes about celebrities instead. Visit her personal blog at luluandmoxley.blogspot.com.

MARIA LIANOS is publisher/editor of A Mother World. She's slightly addicted to blogging and lives for social media but her two rambunctious boys remind her to go offline from time to time to enjoy things IRL.

TONI FITZGERALD has two kids, one husband and a cat. The cat is the most difficult of the bunch. She has written about everything from football to TV ratings to antique dolls, but she mostly likes sharing stories about her adorable children on her blog, Because I Said So.

EMMA BRADY has been the publisher of Celebrity Moms where celebrity and parenthood collide since January 2006. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband, two sons, mother-in-law, dog, and cat. When not following the news and trends of Hollywood, Emma works as a business consultant and freelance business writer.

Tony Parker, Steve Nash Rumors: Do Their Marital Issues Really Qualify As News?

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

It looks like another pair of high profile NBA players are in the news again, and of course the topic has nothing whatsoever to do with basketball.

If you haven't heard most of Monday's news revolved around Phoenix point guard Steve Nash's pending divorce, and TMZ recently broke news that San Antonio point guard Tony Parker may be filing for a divorce of his own.

Nash's divorce is a matter of public record, while Parker's is as of now nothing more than a rumor, but the bigger question should be, why do we even care?

When Nash's divorce was announced along with the birth of a new child, many bloggers and pundits immediately assumed that he would be on the first thing smoking out of Phoenix, but there was really no reason given as to why?

Nash recently signed a contract extension to remain in Phoenix, and if the Suns are actively shopping him they have been curiously silent in the face of the various rumors concerning his departure.

Furthermore, Nash has been the consumate professional for his entire career, so why assume that he would get flaky now?

Is a divorce enough of a reason for Nash to seek a change of scenery, while missing valuable time that could be spent bonding with his new-born child?

Maybe, but it doesn't qualify as news until either Nash or the Suns make their intentions known.

Parker's case is a little different since his wife, model and actress Eva Longoria-Parker is more visible in the public's eye than Parker himself, but that doesn't make the obsession any less ridiculous.

Anyone that has ever been through a divorce or knows someone who has understands how emotionally taxing the process can be. Lives are changed, especially when children are involved, and feelings can be hurt so most people choose to handle divorce in a very private manner.

Professional athletes do not have the same luxury since their lives are usually lived out under a microscope, but just because they are in the public eye doesn't mean they don't suffer from the same emotions as we do.

What's even worse in Parker's case is there are already rumors circulating that discredit the original divorce rumor.

And at the end of the day there is a good chance the whole thing could be proved as a hoax, and hopefully it will then drift back to the realm of non-news that it came from.

Sadly Nash's divorce is a fact, but I still wouldn't call it news because things like marriages, births, deaths, birthdays and divorces are perhaps better described as life.

At the end of the day as humans we all suffer through the same trials and tribulations and after having been through a few of my own, it's hard to believe Nash's thoughts are focused on his next NBA team.
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Count On Immigrant Urbandale Teacher To Always Say The Right Thing

Teacher Elvira Mehic knows what it's like to be a student at Urbandale Middle School where she teaches literacy.

She also knows what it's like being an English language learner.

And now she's learning what it's like to become an American citizen.

Mehic, a Bosnian immigrant, came to Urbandale in 1999 at the age of 12. Last month she took and passed the written test to become an American citizen. On Dec. 10, she'll participate in the Oath of Citizenship ceremony where she will receive her certificate of naturalization.

"I'm very proud of my Bosnian heritage and culture," Mehic, 23, said.

Mehic lived in Germany for seven years during the Bosnian War. When the war ended her family of five had the option to return to their war-torn country or move to America. Her parents decided to take Mehic and her older siblings to Iowa.

"They felt we had more opportunities," Mehic said.

When Mehic began sixth grade at Urbandale Middle School she spoke German and Bosnian. It was challenging to go from getting good grades and having lots of friends to not being able to speak the language and no longer being involved in activities. But Mehic picked up English quickly and was able to skip seventh grade to join her age group.

"I still wasn't fully fluent in eighth grade, but by high school I felt like I had adjusted," she said.

Mehic graduated from Urbandale High School in 2005 and graduated from Grand View University in 2009. She's currently working on a master's degree in education.

She is in her second year of teaching at Urbandale Middle School.

"I always felt I had teachers who were great to me," Mehic said.

Middle school Principal Dan Meyer said Mehic is a good role model for the school's Bosnian students. The majority of the school's English language learners are Bosnian.

"She is without a doubt one of the shining stars in our building," Meyer said.

Sixth-grader Rhea Gaskins of Urbandale said Mehic is her favorite teacher at the school.

"She helps you with everything," Gaskins, 11, said.

Gaskins was impressed when she learned Mehic had passed her citizenship test.

"I probably wouldn't be brave enough to do that because it's a big test," Gaskins said.

Students are often impressed that Mehic attended the middle school just like them.

"It's kind of inspiring because you don't even think you're going to be somebody," said sixth-grader Blake Lange, 12, of Urbandale.

Mehic is looking forward to having the right to vote and being able to travel more easily with a U.S. passport. Her first trip will be to southern Europe.

People born in America often take for granted their citizenship, said fellow sixth-grade literacy teacher Ann Presler. She was impressed with Mehic's dedication to achieving her dreams.

"I think it's neat for the student to see that, too," Presler said.

Senin, 15 November 2010

Mike Tompkins Today Show Viral Video, 5 Things About Mike Tompkins

Posted by WendyM on November 15th, 2010 at 11:34 am

Mike Tompkins' Today Show viral video for Dynamite

MIKE TOMPKINS work on the Today show Dynamite viral video can be seen in the clip below but who is Mike Tompkins?

No doubt he's well on his way to becoming a household name, but if you re looking for more about Who is Mike Tompkins, check out these 5 things about Mike Tompkins:

1. Mike Tompkins, 23, is an a capella artist who became famous for his YouTube viral videos that are covers of popular songs.

2. Tompkins started beatboxing at age 8.

3. Tompkins shows off his variety of talents in his YouTube viral videos, by doing all of the singing, percussion, synthesizer and other instrument noises with his own voice.

4. Mike Tompkins assisted Today show anchors Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry and Al Roker with the singing and beat boxing to make the Dynamite viral video. No doubt they all just racked up some cool points with their kids!

5. Mike Tompkins viral videos on YouTube include Miley Cyrus Party in the USA, Teenage Dream, Misery and of course, Dynamite.

Check out Mike Tompkins YouTube channel for more of his viral video talents!


Watch Today Show Dynamite Viral Video:

Here's a look at how Mike Tompkins creates his videos:

COMMENTS: (0) TAGS: 5 things about Mike Tompkins, celebrity disabled, exclusive Mike Tompkins, Mike Tompkins Today show viral video dynamite, watch Today show Dynamite viral video, who is Mike Tompkins

Messy Mya Murdered And Death Pictures Spread On Internet


Published: November 15, 2010


One of a growing number of YouTube celebrities Messy Mya was gunned down after an apparent altercation last night and people quickly flocked to the scene. It is thought that mobile phones were used to take pictures which have since been spreading rapidly across the internet.

The 22-year-old comedian had been attending his girlfriend's baby shower and was shot around 8pm. No motive has been determined as yet although various reports indicate he had been busting someone's balls .

Rightly so, many news sites this morning are in uproar about the indignity Messy Mya must suffer, even in death, because heartless individuals have their own sensationalist agendas. By publishing those photos they have not only trivialised his death but also caused more pain for his family.

It is thought that the first pictures were linked on Twitter and were subsequently retweeted countless times. Twitter have since deleted the images from people's home pages.

The internet is fairly well policed these days, unlike the early days when almost any information was available, US governors wish to see an even bigger increase in censorship through the Internet Blacklist bill. Citizens and voters are campaigning against the bill but with events like the death of Messy Mya it's hard to argue against further censorship.

Whatever happens with the bill it won t change that fact that Messy Mya and his family will have to suffer the ignominy of people gawking at pictures of his dead body for nothing more than entertainment.

Please share you feelings on this tragic turn of events by leaving a comment.

Read about other stars who died young like Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy, John Belushi, Corey Haim, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, River Phoenix and John Candy.

Images: thefabfemme.com, os.be

Published November 15, 2010 by Lee in Celebrities Tags: messy my death pics, messy mya, messy mya death, messy mya death pictures, YouTube

Minggu, 14 November 2010

Girls' Football: Magic Melissa Lifts Banbury


10:00am Wednesday 20th October 2010

Melissa Tovey's hat-trick helped Banbury United maintain their fine start with a 5-1 win at Summertown Stars in the Oxford Mail Girls Under 15 League.

Banbury pressed straight from the opening whistle and after an unfortunate own goal by Joy Perry, Banbury incre-ased their lead.

Tamara Powell pulled one back for Summertown but Banbury ran away with it in the second half.

Natasha Sweeney also got on the scoresheet for the visitors.

Katie Mullis, Jade Keenan-Naf, Jodie Luker, Georgea Winstone and Lucy McDonough hit the target for North Leigh in their 5-1 win over Marston Saints Angels. Rebecca Ritchie replied.

Under 16 Both teams squandered opportunities in Crowmarsh's 1-1 draw with Marston Saints Angels.

A centre from Tessa Brown was met superbly by Abi Lanning to put Crowmarsh ahead.

Brianna Douglas got on the end of another great cross to equalise.

Braces from Steph Carrick and Sara Comley helped Radley beat Wychwood 6-0, with Amy McDonald and Laura Thomas also scoring.

Oxford City saw off Kidlington 2-0 thanks to goals from Abi Curry and Lauren Smith.

Under 14 Kidlington kept up their 100 per cent record with a 5-0 victory at Didcot Casuals.

Only a penalty save late on for Kidlington separated the two teams in the first half.

Beth Hawtin and Olivia Gardner each bagged two goals as Kidlington took charge and grew in confidence.

Hannah Vincent got their other goal.

Chinnor took advantage of Highworth Town's slow start to go in at half-time 4-2 up.

It would have been more, but for Anna Margett's penalty save.

Natalie Haines hit three for Highworth, but in vain.

Two goals from Leah Maemon, and one from Charlie McMahon saw Marston Sai-nts Angels to a 3-1 win at Kennington United, who replied through Keownie Steptoe.

Under 12 Well-organised Summertown Stars worked hard to hold Oxford City 1-1.

Ellie Burt chipped the keeper from 20 yards to put Summertown in front, but Miriam Pritchard levelled for City.

Isla Nugent, Jasmine Lawton, Allie Lynn and Charlotte Guppy struck in Didcot Cas-uals 4-0 win over Chinnor.

Carterton's improvement was clear, but they went down 3-0 at home to Bardwell.

Federal Grand Jury Indicts Man With Cocaine In Trunk

A federal grand jury this week indicted a St. Louis man accused of having more than $1 million worth of cocaine in his car when he was stopped on Interstate 55 near Bloomington.

Larry Bentley Jr., 39, faces a charge of possession of more than 5 kilograms of cocaine with intent to distribute. He was ordered held in custody of the U.S. marshals pending his Dec. 13 trial before U.S. District Judge Michael Mihm.

Bloomington police have said the street value of 15 pounds of cocaine is about $1.5 million, making it the largest cocaine seizure by the department.

Bentley was arrested Oct. 14. According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court, an officer saw Bentley's car cross the fog line on the right side of the road about 12:30 a.m., prompting the officer to pull over the car.

Bentley said he was passing through on his way home from Chicago. A few misstatements and seeing the car's spare tire in the back seat made the officer suspicious, the complaint states.

A police dog was brought to the scene and picked up the scent of drugs. Officers found a compartment in the car's trunk where the spare tire would normally sit. Inside the compartment was 15 packages of cocaine.

Also indicted this week were:

- William P. Hill, 26, of Loami: armed bank robbery.

- Tamara L. Powell, 32, of Galesburg: possession of pseudophedrine pills with the intent to make methamphetamine.

- Christopher L. Porter, 26, of Bloomington: possession of cocaine with intent to deliver and possession of a firearm during a drug-trafficking crime.

Car Hits Bikers In Socal; 5 Killed

Published: Nov. 14, 2010 at 12:08 PM

OCOTILLO WELLS, Calif., Nov. 14 (UPI) Police Sunday sought a car that may have triggered a collision that killed five people on a rural Southern California highway.

The California Highway Patrol wanted to speak to the driver of a gold Honda Accord that left the scene of a collision between another car and seven motorcycles on Route 98 in the Imperial County desert east of San Diego, KUSI-TV, San Diego, reported.

The Accord reportedly tried to pass the motorcycles, which forced an oncoming Dodge Avenger to swerve into the path of the bikers.

Four of the riders were killed and five were injured. A passenger in the Dodge also died.

KUSI said the driver of Dodge, a resident of Mexicali, Mexico, was arrested at the scene after an officer smelled alcohol on his breath.

The Los Angeles Times said the motorcyclists were members of the Saddle Tramps, a San Diego County club that was marking its 10th anniversary with a ride along the desert highway 80 miles east of San Diego.

Chp Searches For Driver Who Caused Accident That Killed 5; 1 Arrest Made

November 14, 2010 | 9:27 am

Authorities Sunday morning were searching for a driver who they believe caused an accident in Imperial County that killed five people and injured six.

Four of the dead belonged to a Lakeside motorcycle club called the Saddle Tramps, according to CHP Officer Deeann Goudie. Goudie told The Times that the club was celebrating its 10th anniversary Saturday with a ride across the desert.

The members met at 9 a.m. for breakfast in Lakeside before getting on the road, Goudie told The Times. They were riding east on Route 98 near Ocotillo, about 80 miles out of San Diego, when a gold Honda Accord revved up behind them and tried to pass. Authorities believe the Honda driver caused the crash, but the driver fled from the scene.

A white Dodge Avenger coming from the opposite direction swerved to avoid the oncoming Honda, lost control and then crashed into the pack of motorcycles.

Four motorcyclists including a husband-and-wife team who were riding the same bike were killed, Goudie said. A passenger in the Avenger was also killed.

CHP officials told the Associated Press on Sunday that the driver of the Avenger, who suffered injuries, was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. But officials said they don't consider him responsible for the accident because the Honda forced him off the road.

Several of the people who were injured were airlifted to hospitals.

The gold Honda that tried to pass the motorcycles did not suffer any damage. Goudie said. She said authorities did not know the year of the car or the license plate number. Witnesses said the driver was a man wearing a baseball cap.

Kate Linthicum

Photo: Scene of accident in Imperial County. KTLA News